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Gamblers punch playoff ticket

On Friday, the Green Bay Gamblers secured a spot in the postseason, beating Team USA 4-2 in Green Bay. The Gamblers would begin explosively, as they would score three goals in the first period. At the end of the period, Green Bay would be up 3-1. No scoring would happen in the middle period, and each team scored a goal in the third. 


The Gamblers’ goals came from Jake Schmaltz, Jackson Kunz, Ryan Greene, and John Mittelstadt. Aaron Randazzo was the goalkeeper for the Gamblers and deflected thirty shots in his ninth win this season. The Gamblers are in third place in the USHL Eastern’s conference with a 29-15-1 record. They host the Chicago Steele, the east’s top team, at 7:05 PM on Saturday. 

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